Is plain weave possible on this threading?
One question that comes up from time to time is how to weave plain weave on a given threading. Contrary to popular belief, weaving plain weave is NOT simply a matter of lifting first all the even shafts and then all the odd shafts. If a threading alternates odd and even shafts throughout, then even […]
Fix a wrong sett – WITHOUT resleying
As you probably know, sett is critical to getting your project right: if it’s too open, the weft beats in too much and covers the warp. If it’s too close, the fabric can wind up stiff and unsuitable for its purpose. When working with a new yarn or a new structure, we usually make a […]
How to fix your twill when neither side matches the drawdown – and gain more design options as a result!
Have you ever started weaving and realized that the fabric on the loom doesn’t look like the drawdown or picture? That happened to Susan Palwick recently, so she posted pictures of her drawdown (draft #80355 from and her fabric on Facebook, and asked if anyone could help figure out what was happening. Most of […]
What do you do when you can’t weave?
As I’ve been working on updating the courses for the Color Editor and its Gradients Editor, I’m also working on learning even more about the Draft Editor to put together a course on it. This means I am taking our courses and focussing on using the Draft Editor to complete the exercises – and boy, […]
Scale: How it can turn your designs from muddy to magnificent
Sometimes creating handwoven fabrics feels like wrestling mischievous imps. A project that looks gorgeous in the initial sketch, or in a weaving software simulation, turns into a muddy mess when woven. A garment that looked great while you were sewing it blurs into shapelessness from across the room. Figuring out what happened can feel hopeless. […]
6 ways to get out of a weaving slump
Most weavers have experienced a “weaving slump”. You know – when you just can’t seem to get excited about the project on your loom, your next project, or ANY project for that matter. You might leaf through a weaving magazine without finding any project that piques your interest. You look through websites showcasing kits, but […]
Behind the scenes of a Handwoven Magazine Article
Written by Yvonne Ellsworth I recently published an article “Doubled Up Ice Dyeing” in Handwoven Spring 2024 on ice dyeing two warps at the same time. Then I designed a set of towels with the resulting warp, which became the “Call of the Crows Towels” project in the same issue. Working with Handwoven is always […]
Frustrated with your weaving? Six Strategies to help.
Sooner or later, it happens. Your warp gets tangled, you make a bunch of mistakes while threading, or you find a treadling error – after you’ve woven four more inches. Or your project colors don’t turn out as expected. What do you do when your project has you ready to pull your hair out? This […]
Design with me: Kathy’s Snow Dyed Warp, Part 4!
In the past three weeks, you have joined me while I designed a project that would highlight my favourite (so far) snow dyed warp. We have talked about how I chose the colours, and dyed the warp in Part 1, some of the tricks I use when beaming a warp like this in Part 2, […]
Design with me: Kathy’s Snow Dyed Warp, Part 3
Welcome back to the Design With Me blog series! In Part 1, I selected colors and dyed my painted warp. In Part 2, I put the warp chains in order and beamed the warp, explaining my special method for warping without a cross and for getting out tangles. Today I’m excited about choosing a draft […]