Build a little yarn store in your home

A step by step guide to help you tame your stash and find new inspiration from what you have in your own home.
Challenge Shawl

Gwen Peterson shares her process as she perseveres through a challenging project using lessons she learned in the Handweaving Academy.
From Gamp to Scarf

Today we have a guest blogger, Handweaving Academy member Miriam Lebby, telling the story of how she designed and created her beautiful scarf. Read on to find out how one Academy member is using what she learned!
Get weaving in the New Year

Why should New Year’s Resolutions be boring and hard to keep? Janet presents creative and exciting ideas for resolutions you’ll actually be excited to make.
Which version of A Handweaver’s Pattern Book should I buy: Green, orange, or brown?

A Handweaver’s Pattern Book by Marguerite Davison is VERY popular; many weavers consider it a must-have, especially for folks with four shaft looms. Known as the “Green Book” for its green, hardback cover, it’s one of the best references and draft collections available for four shafts, containing hundreds of drafts in all kinds of different structures, as well as some basic theory related to those structures.
Weaving = a clean(er) house

OK, I admit it. Housekeeping is not my favourite (or even tenth favourite) activity. I can think of LOTS of things that I would rather do than clean or tidy. But I do it a lot more frequently now that I weave. When I sit down to design a warp, I first need to tidy […]
How to measure YPP or MPKG without a yarn balance

If you don’t have a yarn balance you can determine yards per pound (YPP) or meters per kilogram (MPKG) of a yarn by measuring a known length and extrapolating from its weight. A short length is bound to be too light for most scales to weigh accurately, so the best approach is to wind yourself […]
Burn tests: How to identify the fiber content of a mystery yarn

If you’d like to figure out the fiber content of a mystery yarn, the quickest and easiest approach is to do a burn test. A burn test is just what it sounds like: you light a piece of yarn on fire and record the results. Things to watch for include: You’ll find any number of […]
Peer Support: A Member’s Experience

When Tien and Janet conceived the Academy, one of the most important parts was creating a weaving community where everyone is welcome. A place where everyone can share, learn, and create with each other. One of the ways that the Academy fosters this sense of community, and connection, is through our bi-weekly Peer Support sessions. […]
Behind the scenes of a Handwoven Magazine Article
Written by Yvonne Ellsworth I recently published an article “Doubled Up Ice Dyeing” in Handwoven Spring 2024 on ice dyeing two warps at the same time. Then I designed a set of towels with the resulting warp, which became the “Call of the Crows Towels” project in the same issue. Working with Handwoven is always […]