Peer Support: A Members’ Experience

When Tien and Janet conceived the Academy, one of the most important parts was creating a weaving community where everyone is welcome. A place where everyone can share, learn, and create with each other. One of the ways that the Academy fosters this sense of community, and connection, is through our bi-weekly Peer Support sessions. […]

Behind the scenes of a Handwoven Magazine Article

Written by Yvonne Ellsworth I recently published an article “Doubled Up Ice Dyeing” in Handwoven Spring 2024 on ice dyeing two warps at the same time. Then I designed a set of towels with the resulting warp, which became the “Call of the Crows Towels” project in the same issue. Working with Handwoven is always […]

A handwoven RAG??

As I am aging and getting better at collecting years, I find that I am less results-oriented in my fiber work. I no longer care so much if things take a lot of time or a little, or how many things I finish each year. Maybe it’s that time feels different now, or maybe it’s […]

How to use any reed, for any Sett.

There are lots of denting charts online (often called reed or sett substitution charts) but in my opinion a chart just doesn’t cut it. For one thing, there are often entries missing. Want to know how to get 22 EPI in a 10 dent reed, or 17 EPI in an 9 dent reed? Good luck […]

Meet Dawn, our tech support, and so much more!

Dawn is our resident tech support, class, and Color Editor guru, as well as being a weaver and fiber enthusiast. Working with her, I have come to realize that this fantastic person is kind, intelligent, funny, loving, creative, and a darn good friend. Read on to hear more about her, in her own words. ~ […]

Janet Dawson, the coast to coast weaver

Janet Dawson isn’t just a weaving teacher and Academy co-founder. She’s a woman with colorful hair, on a mission to teach weavers how to design gorgeous work!

Discover the “real” Janet!

All Looms are Good Looms

The Handweaving Academy puts aside the idea of a loom hierarchy in which some looms are superior to others.

The power of “WHAT IF?”


What does the Handweaving Academy offer to weavers? What made us passionate enough to create it?

Read on to find out our “origin story”…