From Gamp to Scarf

Today we have a guest blogger, Handweaving Academy member Miriam Lebby, telling the story of how she designed and created her beautiful scarf. Read on to find out how one Academy member is using what she learned!

Get weaving in the New Year

Why should New Year’s Resolutions be boring and hard to keep? Janet presents creative and exciting ideas for resolutions you’ll actually be excited to make.

Palindrome skeins on a rigid heddle

Carly Jayne Palindrome Scarf Lion Brand Yarn

Learn all about what a palindrome skein is and how you can warp with it on a rigid heddle to give the appearance of a painted warp without needing to learn indirect warp.

Make it Work Moments

Detail of Dawn's Weaving Draft

Sometimes, the best ideas come at the last minute. Deciding that Janet, Carly, and Dawn would join everyone in the “Weaving for the Winter Holidays” weave-along was one of those brilliant, last-minute inspirations. We would weave along with you!

How to fix a loop at the selvage

Have you ever been weaving along and realized that your weft thread caught on something a while back and you’ve got a big loop hanging out the side of your fabric? Or noticed that several inches back you didn’t set the weft quite right at the selvage and you’ve got a tiny loop sticking out? […]

1 + 1 = 1? How weaving defies mathematics

Here is a little bit of weaving trivia for you; when does one plus one equal one? This seems impossible, based on what we’re taught in grade school. However, one plus one DOES equal one when you are talking about warps and tying a new warp onto an old one. There are many reasons to […]