From Gamp to Scarf
Today we have a guest blogger, Handweaving Academy member Miriam Lebby, telling the story of how she designed and created her beautiful scarf. Read on to find out how one Academy member is using what she learned!
Crossing the wet finishing line
The weaving is done, but there is more to do! Follow along as we go through each step of the finishing process.
Get weaving in the New Year
Why should New Year’s Resolutions be boring and hard to keep? Janet presents creative and exciting ideas for resolutions you’ll actually be excited to make.
How to use weaving yarn in colors you don’t like
Stuck with great weaving yarn in colors you don’t love? Tien teaches us a few tricks for working with the dull or awkward colors in our stash.
Palindrome skeins on a rigid heddle
Learn all about what a palindrome skein is and how you can warp with it on a rigid heddle to give the appearance of a painted warp without needing to learn indirect warp.
Winding a folded warp to mirror stripes
Note: This post was originally posted in the Handweaving Academy’s Weaver’s Toolbox, which is chock full of tips and tricks! Do you ever avoid a project with lots of stripes because of all the color changes? I know I have! Unless you employ clever tricks (and boy, do I have tricks), changing colours is time […]
How to avoid color disasters
If you’re like me, you’ve probably had at least one project disaster where you sat down at the loom and got a crushing disappointment – totally different from what you expected. This blog post will explain how to anticipate and avoid those unexpected color disasters. First, if you’ve had color disasters, you aren’t alone. Virtually […]
Choosing colors to get many projects from one warp
If you don’t love warping but you don’t want to weave the same thing over and over, one way to solve the problem is to weave many different projects on the same warp. You can weave nearly limitless possibilities from a single warp! One way to change things up without changing the tie up, treadling, […]
How to use clashing colors in your handwoven cloth
Using yarns whose colors clash can be a challenge when designing your own handwoven cloth. It’s easy for them to weave into fabric you dislike. But it’s not that hard to harmonize colors that don’t “go together”. This blog post will show you how to use clashing color combinations to make beautiful handwoven cloth. Why […]