No Fuss Floating Selvedges

I’m not a fan of floating selvedges. Moving their weights, separating them from the threaded ends they’re next to, lifting them up to go under or pushing them down to go over – that all detracts from my weaving experience. Anything that slows me down and interrupts my weaving zen irritates me every single time. […]

Save your selvedges!

It isn’t unusual to hear a weaver say “My selvedge(s) keep fraying and breaking!” This is an issue that often is caused by a combination of yarn/weave/threading that results in the outermost thread on one side of the warp slowly unplying, while the twin thread on the other side of the warp is slowly plying […]

Fixing your floats

At some point in your weaving life, you will take a piece of fabric from the loom, then sigh when you notice that there is an error in it in the form of a float that shouldn’t be there. Don’t be too worried about it, it happens to the best of us, and for some, […]

How to add plain weave selvedges

Draft with successful plain weave border

Have you ever seen a piece of weaving with a lovely border, then looked at the border more closely and discovered it was simple plain weave? Did you wonder why the weaver chose to add that border? The weaver may like the neat, ordered look of a plain weave border. Possibly they were looking to […]

Tips for Counting Your Warp Ends

How do you count your warp ends? Here are six tips for getting the count right every time. No more coming up a few threads short!

Weaving stripes, quickly and easily

Previously, we discussed one method of weaving single shot stripes. These skinny little accents can add a lot of interest to a piece, and can be very much worth the little bit of extra time needed to make them beautiful. However, some of us (*ahem* me) tend to be more on the “go big” side […]

Single shot stripes – how to start and end them

Single shot stripes can be a very effective design tool. They add drama, and sometimes a pop of colour that will draw your eye, and make the design more exciting. They are also a great way to use up small amounts of leftover yarn that is hanging around on bobbins. Some weavers hesitate to use […]

Sampling: It’s not what you think

Swatch Composite

Few topics seem more divisive for weavers than sampling. Some people love weaving samples, others hate it.

But sampling isn’t just weaving swatches of cloth!